Employee monitoring software & outsourcing agencies. Save money and stay productive.

Monitoring the performance of outsourced employees. Save money. Be efficient.

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  • For Windows, macOS
  • Cloud, on-premise
  • For Terminal/Citrix server
  • From 1 to 15,000+ computers
  • 25+ years in employee monitoring
  • Office, remote, hybrid

Monitoring outsourcing employees has never been easier

  • Get instant productivity increase & keep it up with WorkTime
  • Stay informed on how your employees spend their working time
  • Detect distractions that prevent employees from effective work
  • Track signs pointing to lack of motivation
  • Cut down on excessive meetings
  • Optimize software spending
  • Keep remote developers engaged

Optimize spending on unused software

Identify unused software among your employees, effectively reducing unnecessary software expenses and saving valuable resources.
Try now 14 days free

Increase active time

Elevate active work time and enhance employee engagement within the workplace

Minimize inactive time

Diminish periods of employee inactivity by closely monitoring their activities.

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Eliminate gaming while working

Ensure a work-focused environment by eliminating the potential for gaming during working hours. Prioritize productive task-related activities

Monitor active & idle times

Automatic active time monitoring

With WorkTime, you can precisely track when employees are idle and active during working hours.


1. Monitoring employees is also crucial in outsourcing. When a task is assigned to someone outside the company, it’s challenging to control their workflow. Electronic monitoring can come in handy in such situations, as it enables the tracking of a freelancer’s or temporary employee’s task performance. 2. While there may not be significant concerns when outsourced employees work within the office, issues can arise when employees work remotely from their home countries. The primary challenge in such cases is the lack of control over the work process.
3. Employee monitoring holds paramount significance for companies utilizing outsourced personnel. It greatly aids in overseeing individuals who aren't internal staff members of the company. Research conducted by MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) reveals that merely informing employees about work monitoring can lead to a 7% boost in labor efficiency. The mere introduction of unbiased, consistent, and objective monitoring has a constructive influence on overall company discipline, thus amplifying the effectiveness of each individual within. Moreover, monitoring software enables managers to swiftly identify procrastinators or insufficiently motivated employees. A quick review of the daily report, taking just 5 minutes, brings the problematic areas into focus, requiring only subsequent processing. 4. An additional aid in employee tracking is the capacity to assess their performance in real-time. Through this approach, managers can ascertain if the appropriate employees are assigned suitable projects. For instance, if a certain employee's performance on a particular task falls below average, it might indicate that they aren't the best fit for that assignment. This insight can prompt managers to offer targeted training to that employee or even consider recruiting a new individual for the project. 5. Directors can enhance the efficacy of delivering performance feedback to employees by monitoring on-site applications and software. This advantage proves invaluable, especially since numerous remote workers often highlight a lack of managerial responsiveness as a major concern. Monitoring the workforce empowers managers to provide feedback grounded in specific actions carried out by the employee, rather than offering general assessments. Possessing this capability enables managers to address underperforming employees and recognize those who excel. 6. Monitoring and tracking employee activities assist managers in comprehending the efficacy of various business processes and identifying areas that require modification. This approach also empowers managers to provide relevant feedback to employees, encompassing both positive and constructive aspects. As a result, organizations implementing employee monitoring can attain heightened business growth and enhanced employee engagement.